Friday, February 25, 2011

Lander, Wyoming

While on our way to northern Utah, our first stop to stay at for spring break, we were stranded in Lander, Wyoming due to a snow storm. So I took this opportunity to explore main street with my camera. Keep in mind that very little editing has been done to these three photos, if any at all. There may be a lot of distracting elements in the photos that may not need to be there, but I like them for I think they make the image, and is realistic.  From the few shots I did get to take, I saw many others that I would love to capture as well. It would be nice to be able to stay here for a good full day to look around with all the fresh powder falling down.

This is my favorite picture of the three. This was taken from the common room inside the hotel we stayed at. I really like how the reflections from the window played into this photo, and the glow from the inside lighting. The one thing  don't like and think is too distracting is the clear reflection of the two lights at the top. I did no editing to this photo at all.

I like this photo too, except that it does need to be lightened up. I'd really like the tree to be silhouetted, and the headlights of the cars toned down some. There's just so many photo opportunities around this small feel town, but so hard to capture in the snow and no proper lighting.

I really like this one a lot as well. I'd probably play with the glow of the light a little bit to see how else it could look, and maybe crop the edges just a teeny bit. But I really like the reflection of the snow around the lamp.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Black and white

I was looking at Chase Jarvis' Portfolio, and one of his albums is new zealand in Black and white, and I just love the way black and white looks. It's hard to capture the right images that look good in black and white. Sometimes the black and white element makes a picture stronger, and other times it can take away from the photo. I like simple, real moments in black and white the most, like his landscape photos below:
Photos 3, 6, 8, and 11 stuck out to me the most and made me pause to explore them more.
All of his photos albums on his portfolio are amazing and interesting to look at.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sports Photography

For our first photography project we did sports photography. I've never done any sports shooting before and I found out how hard it is to shoot action. In our group we chose basketball and the schools equestrian team. I wanted to do the equestrian team because not many people know we have one and I thought it'd be neat to do. When shooting over in the indoor arena I found out how difficult of a place that is to shoot in. Its really dark, and the lighting is weird in there. There's also a lot of dust particles floating around in the air so your flash tends to catch those in the image. I did have working with different angles to shoot. first I'd get up on the railing and shoot out over, trying to be up at the rider's level, maybe a little bit above. Then I went into the arena to get some straight on shots and lower level shots from down in the dirt. The difficulty I had with my photos is that first off, I'm not using dslr to take the photos so clarity is a big issue. Looking at the 3 photos below you'll see a lot of noise, but these are 3 my favorite that I ended putting in the slide show.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

French's Point

(all photos taken from google) below is a link to their website for more images and history on french's point.
This is French's point in Stockton Springs, Maine. To me it's one of the most beautiful places to see in my hometown. There is a lot of history that goes along with this property, and I find it pretty neat that its a place I got to grow up around and even play at as a kid. In 2002 the property was sold to a family friend and her husband. In 2005 they began their big remodeling of it, turning it into a place of fairly tale weddings on the beautiful coast. My father did most of the landscape work around the property, which is something to be very proud of looking at it now. I also worked there over the summer, helping the owner keep up on the grounds work, and doing preparations for weddings. Above are a few photos after it has been remodeled. The night ones of a wedding event are my favorite. But they definitely do not do justice to the amazingness of the place. The truly beautiful places in the world can not be expressed well enough in a photo.